Desert Crucible began casting artist Ted DeGrazia’s work in the late 1970’s. He and my dad had been long-time friends dating back to their undergraduate years at the University of Arizona and their shared interest in art, in music, and in survival in lean times.
Tom and I referred to him as “El Jefe.” I remember the first payment check we got from DeGrazia. I don’t remember the exact dollar amount, but it was small – probably less than $100. What I do recall about it was what he said as he handed it to me: “If you will hang on to this – save it and not cash it – it will be worth a lot more in years to come.” He grinned because he knew we were trying to collect enough cash to meet payroll.
And we cashed the check and it went to payroll. I wonder what a collector would pay for that uncashed check with the distinctive Ted DeGrazia signature today!
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